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Research Uncovers AI Chatbot’s Tradespeople Gender Bias

On The Tools - AI Chatbots press release - Image 1
  • On The Tools gave eight identical prompts about tradespeople to five free popular AI chatbots to see what gender (if any) the chatbot would assign to the tradesperson in its reply.
  • In total, the chatbots used masculine pronouns 62.5% of the time, feminine pronouns 12.5% of the time, and gender-neutral pronouns 25% of the time to identify tradespeople in their answers.

Social media community On The Tools decided to investigate whether AI chatbots would perpetuate a gender bias against tradespeople and found that AI would identify tradespeople as men nearly two-thirds (62.5%) of the time.

Eight identical prompts about tradespeople were given to five different AI chatbots: ChatGPT 3.5, Deep AI, Google Bard, Claude, and Llama 2. The prompts included requests like, “Tell me a 3-sentence story about a tradesperson,” and “Tell me a joke about a carpenter.”

Out of 40 responses, 25 used masculine identifiers, 5 used feminine identifiers, and 10 used gender-neutral identifiers to describe tradespeople. In other words, AI chatbots identified tradespeople as men 62.5% of the time, women 12.5% of the time, and people 25% of the time.

Ideally, AI chatbots would generate responses that have more of an even split, or dominance of gender-neutral identifiers when describing tradespeople. This is because language matters when making efforts towards inclusion, which is especially pertinent in an industry facing a dire skills shortage. The 2023 UK Trade Skills Index found that the country needs nearly 1 million new tradespeople by 2032 to meet growing demand, and a quarter of those must be qualified apprentices.1

In an interview with the CEO of the Construction Industry Training Board for an upcoming campaign about the skills shortage, Tim Balcon told On The Tools:

“The skills shortage isn’t just in construction, it's everywhere: in manufacturing, health. Everyone is competing for such a small pool of workers. We need to get more diverse in our thinking. In apprenticeships 1% are women. That’s shocking. We’ve got to be a lot smarter in terms of how we send the messaging out.”

While the On The Tools investigation was initially to explore gender bias alone, the AI chatbots’ responses also introduced other themes which could be considered perpetuation of biases or stereotypes against tradespeople. When one chatbot, DeepAI, was given prompts to tell jokes about tradespeople, one-third of its responses were about tradespeople “going broke” or losing money. Another joke from DeepAI read: “Why did the electrician quit his job? Because he couldn't resist conducting himself in such a shocking manner!"

According to Boost AI, Artificial intelligence chatbots work through machine learning and natural language processing, using a combination of pre-programmed responses, data from the internet, and their own experience with users to generate relevant responses to prompts.2

The tone of many of the responses given by AI chatbots could point to a concerning negative sentiment about those working in construction: in the internet data, the opinions of those programming the chatbots, and the opinions of the user majority. Thus, the findings signal a need to further eradicate any false perceptions about the industry and highlight the vast opportunities for those working in the trade.

Regardless of which bias is being explored - gender or otherwise - one thing is certain: there are clear biases against tradespeople and the construction industry represented in the responses given by the AI chatbots. With the usage of AI systems increasing exponentially, and such a pressing need for more entrants into the industry, could chatbots be an extra straw added to the camel’s back that is the skills shortage?

On The Tools has an upcoming campaign to address this skills shortage in construction and they’re looking for contributors. If you have anything to say about getting into construction, including to do with gender bias, organise a conversation with On The Tools here:



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17 February 2024

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