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Travis Perkins partners with Housing Trust

The Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust and Travis Perkins (TP) are set to celebrate the official launch of a new five year partnership on 12 September 2011 with a gift to all residents – up to 50% discount on purchases at Travis Perkins.

Travis Perkins won the housing trust’s supply contract with an innovative solution that sees materials delivered to site, rather than repair and maintenance operatives having to collect them from multiple locations. Reduced travel times alone are predicted to save the Trust a minimum of £250,000 by the end of the 5 year contract. The partnership will also benefit leaseholder and tenant DIY enthusiasts who will be able to use their Trust discount card at Travis Perkins’ Northern Road store and other branches throughout the UK. Residents are offered between 5% and 50% discount, depending on the product – they simply have to show their card and staff will be able to tell them the level of discount.

In addition to the improved efficiencies, the partnership has revolutionised the Trust’s waste management. Operatives now use the Hippo bag system to collect waste by type. When full, the bags are collected by Hipp and then contents distributed to local recycling facilities. Waste going to landfill has so far reduced by 92%. The system is so successful that Travis Perkins is now rolling it out to its other customers as Best Practice.

Dean Gill, Director of Property and Development, said: ‘The Trust owns 7,250 properties across 350 square miles of Aylesbury Vale, and balancing travel times with availability of materials has always been a logistical problem. The six month pilot of Travis Perkins’ site deliveries has already shown savings in travel times and cost of materials, as well as an improvement in the number of ‘first time fixes’.

‘Our level of recycling has gone up to well over 90%, which supports the Trust’s green agenda and has substantially reduced our carbon footprint. ‘All of this means a service to residents that is better quality, better delivery and better value for money.
‘We are also pleased that our residents will be able to benefit directly from our partnership with their own discount card, which can offer them substantial savings.’

NB: Discount cards will be distributed to all Trust residents within the next few weeks.

Source : Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust

11 September 2011
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Thank you for the excellent presentation that you gave at Woodbury Park on Thursday morning. It was very interesting and thought-provoking for our Retail members. The feedback has been excellent.

Martin Elliott. Chief Executive - Home Hardware.

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