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Study Shows Where Planning Permission Is Most Likely To Be Granted

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  • Lincoln revealed as the best city to grant planning permission, with 96% of all submissions being granted
  • Swansea takes the top spot for the most planning permission requests declined, with 22% of all requests denied in the city.
  • The city of Harrogate submitted the most planning permission requests with the city seeing 4,747 requests since 2020.

Planning permission is one of the most important aspects when it comes to home improvement, but it can also be one of the most confusing.

Toolstation sent FOI requests to local councils across the UK, to determine which cities are more likely to approve or decline planning permission requests.

Approved Requests

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The research reveals the city of Lincoln takes the top spot for approving planning permission applications, with 96% of all applications approved across the city. This is closely followed by Edinburgh with a 95% approval rating.

Salford, Manchester, Nottingham, Norwich, and Derby all follow suit, with 94% of planning applications in these cities receiving approvals.

Denied Requests


The city of Swansea takes the prime position for declining the most planning permission applications. Since 2020, one in five (22%) of all applications have been declined in the city, closely followed by Luton with 21% and Burnley with 18%.

There are many reasons why a planning permission request can be denied, but the topmost reasons are:

  • The work involves a listed property
  • The property is located in a protected area
  • The building would overlook another property of a neighbour
  • The building would block or restrict the daylight of a neighbour
  • The work would impact local trees

Denied applications can be re-submitted with the required amends free of charge, if the resubmission falls within the 12-month period.


Although Swansea tops out for most declined applications, it does grant the highest number of successful appeals - with 100% of all appeals being granted since 2020. This is followed by Nottingham with 47%, and Stoke-on-Trent with 46% of approved appeals.

A spokesperson from Toolstation commented on these findings stating, “Planning permission is a fundamental part of many home improvement projects, but many people find the process confusing.

“Not all areas across the UK will have the exact same standards when it comes to planning permission applications, so it’s always best to consult your local council’s website for details specific to your area.”

Find more information about planning permission here.

Source : Toolstation

Image : / 570104224

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17 March 2023

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