Kitchen Kit Partners with The Magical Mushroom Company

With a key focus on sustainability for 2022, Kitchen Kit from BA wanted to provide a packaging solution that didn’t compromise on quality but yet was still environmentally friendly. Their flat-pack kitchen cabinets were previously packaged with polystyrene based corners, so it was vital that new alternatives would need to be durable to eliminate potential damage to cabinets in transit.
To achieve these goals, they have introduced 'mycelium packaging' to protect their flat pack cabinets reducing polystyrene & plastic use.
After numerous trials Kitchen Kit found using Mushroom® Packaging technology supplied by the Magical Mushroom Company® was the way forward. Using this method BA is able to achieve a new alternative based corner protector for their flat-pack cabinets. These based corners are not only durable but they are fully biodegrade and do not negatively impact the planet as the mycelium product simply breaks down in a compost bin or the earth, which then provides nutrients to the soil.
Barry Smith, Group Purchasing Manager says: “At BA, we focus our operations on sustainability and becoming more carbon neutral. By introducing the fully biodegradable mushroom-based corner protectors to our flat-pack cabinet packaging we are on track to achieving our sustainability goals of reducing overall plastic use and polystyrene from our business for this year.
“The transition to mycelium packaging has been a huge success and we look forward to seeing how the Magical Mushroom Company can support us further in becoming a more environmentally friendly company.”
Established in 1990 and operating from three state-of-the-art factories; one in Cookstown Co. Tyrone and two in Yorkshire at Rotherham and Doncaster, BA is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of factory-built, bespoke, and made-to-measure kitchens, bedrooms and specialist components.
BA has now replaced all polystyrene protectors with the new mushroom-based corner protectors for all flat-pack cabinet packaging. The use of polystyrene has been reduced at the Rotherham factory and this transition has been positively received from their customer base as they love using high quality products from a company that is passionate about sustainability. BA plan to reduce overall plastic and polystyrene usage across their sites and are currently looking at different ways how the Magical Mushroom Company® can assist further in achieving a greener future for the business.
Source: BA Components & Insight News Team

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