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High Street stores to advise Government on energy and emissions

M&S, Tesco, B&Q and HSBC to guide Whitehall towards 10% energy and greenhouse gas cuts this year.

After the easyCouncil and John Lewis local authority, comes the Marks & Spencer ministry. The high-street giant, along with Tesco, B&Q owners Kingfisher and HSBC, has been asked to advise national government on saving money.

The companies have been given a special role in helping ministers meet their pledge to cut energy use across government by 10% in their first year in office. The pledge was one of the very first promises of the new coalition and was announced against a backdrop of banners for the 10:10 climate change campaign, which is supported by the Guardian. The initiative is "inspired by 10:10".

Under the guidance of the high-street stalwarts, departments are embarking on a range of measures, to be outlined today, from the straightforward-but-important business of installing motion sensors so lights go out when offices are empty (or ministers sit still for too long), to inter-department competitions and pep talks by inspirational speakers to persuade staff to do their bit by boiling less water or taking the stairs instead of the lift.

Although primarily seen as a green policy, led by one of the two environmental departments, the financial savings arethe focus, said Greg Barker, the Conservative climate minister.

Source : Juliette Jowit -

05 August 2010
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