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Grafton Group Reports on Q3 Trading

Grafton Group

Grafton Group plc, the international builders merchanting and DIY Group, issued their trading update this morning for the four month period 1st July 2018 to 31st October 2018.

Group Revenue

Like-for-like Group revenue for the four months ended 31 October increased by 5.5 per cent and total revenue increased over the same period by 10.2 per cent.

Group revenue for the ten months to 31 October increased by 9.3 per cent to £2.5 billion (ten months to 31 October 2017: £2.3 billion) and by 8.9 per cent in constant currency. Like-for-like Group revenue increased by 4.4 per cent.

The table below shows the changes in average daily like-for-like revenue and in total revenue compared to the same periods in 2017.

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Gavin Slark, Chief Executive Officer of Grafton Group plc commented today:

“Trading in the UK has been consistent with our expectations at the time of the Interim Results. The Group has benefitted from its exposure to multiple geographic markets and saw its businesses in Ireland and the Netherlands perform well. Following a good first half performance, overall trading in the last four months has underpinned our confidence that we will deliver our expectations for the full year.”

Their next trading update is scheduled to be published on 11 January 2019.

Analysis & Commentary - Steve Collinge

Another strong trading update from Grafton, with like for like growth in the four-month period to 31st October 2018 at +5.5%, up from +3.8% in the first half. Following the poor weather during Q1, it's no surprise that the UK's merchanting business improved, whilst the business continued to deliver good growth in Ireland, Netherlands and in their manufacturing business.

Source: Insight DIY Team & Grafton Group 

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13 November 2018

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