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Garden Centre Sales Remained Strong in August

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August results published in the Garden Centre Association's Barometer of Trade, show garden centre revenues were up 14% in August even though catering income is still 20% lower than last year.

Although they are still down, catering revenues are recovering strongly.  In June takings were down 94%, in July revenue was still 55% lower.  So the August figure is a strong performance.

Plant sales continue to prosper

Hardy plant sales were up 34% and are now only 13% down year to date, despite the lockdown during the peak trading season.  Houseplant sales were almost 50% higher than a year ago and are 8% up for the year.  However they still only represent 3.4% of sales compared to 18% for outdoor plants.

Garden sundries was the biggest category in August, contributing 19% of total income.  Sales were up 42% and are now 3.5% up on last year.

Gift sales are recovering.  They were up 5% for the month, but remain 20% lower for the year.  Clothing sales are still difficult, down 2% for the month and 34% for the year.

Reports of stock shortages do not appear to have dented garden furniture sales.  They were 24% up for the month and are now 5% up for the year.

Average customer spend remains high

The average value of a customer purchase is falling back from the highs of June, when the average basket cost £37.70.   In July this figure fell to £32.83 and in August it was £31.82, which compares with £26.96 a year ago.

The average spend in restaurants is continuing to grow.  In August it was £12.04 compared to £8.99 a year ago, an increase of 34%.  This is the highest it has ever been.  With catering sales still down 20%, it shows how successful garden centres have been making up for a marked reduction in footfall by encouraging customers to spend more.

Source : Reproduced with permission from George Bullivant at Gardenforum

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29 September 2020

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