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Consumer confidence climbs three points in August

Consumer Confidence - shutterstock_202554910 - 725 x 500

GfK's monthly consumer confidence index has climbed 3 points to -7 in August 2018, beating expectations.

GfK's client strategy director, Joe Staton, said: “Consumers are no doubt aware of the incessant Brexit noise, the core debate about whether ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’, the accompanying threats, warnings and uncertainties, the wild hopes and dark fears, and the daily ups and downs. But are consumers putting their hands over their ears and quietly saying: let’s just wait-and-see?” 

“We are just months away from the Brexit crunch but there is no sign (yet) of any crash in consumer confidence. Yes, the core index continues to muddle along in negative territory, but Armageddon seems a distant prospect. With this month’s jump to -7, we have four of the constituent scores up and one unchanged. And we are well above the worrying -39 we saw in July 2008.”

Source : GfK

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30 August 2018

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