Collectively, Brits Will Waste Six Years Waiting For Sprouts To Boil This Christmas
Families will waste a total of SIX years waiting for Brussel Sprouts to boil this Christmas, new analysis suggests.
The findings come as time with loved ones will prove even more precious this year after months of nationwide restrictions have prevented millions of us from socialising indoors.
And, as rules on household mixing are temporarily lifted from December 23rd to December 27th allowing three households to form a ‘Christmas bubble’, the nation is expected to tuck into ten million turkeys on December 25th.
Understandably this year families will be looking to maximise time spent socialising. Cutting down on time in the kitchen is a simple way of achieving that.
An Intu boiling water tap avoids the ten minutes it takes to bring a standard two litre, 20-cm-wide saucepan brimming with Brussel Sprouts to the boil, allowing you to fill it with boiling water straight from the tap instead. Nationwide that works out to 1.6million hours wasted - or the equivalent of watching an Only Fools And Horses Christmas special 42,048 times.
An Intu boiling water tap also adds to a more sustainable Christmas, saving energy from boiling multiple pots at a time and avoiding those energy surges while everyone is cooking dinner or getting a brew in the Christmas special ad breaks.
The analysis was carried out by boiling water tap manufacturer Intu Evolution. Their technical director David Culshaw commented: “This year Christmas will be unlike any other.
“For many of us it will be the first time in months that we can spend time with friends and family indoors.
“So, we’re going to want to make the most of it. Our calculation shows that, as a nation, collectively we waste a colossal six years waiting for pans of Brussel Sprouts to come up to the boil.
“An INTU hot water tap eliminates this immediately - allowing you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time focusing on what matters most - your loved ones.”
In the time it takes the nation to boil Brussel Sprouts this Christmas, here’s what we could do instead:
● Watch The Queen’s Speech (10mins) 315,360 times
● Play charades (30mins) 105,120 times
● Watch an Only Fools And Horses Christmas Special (75mins) 42,048 times
● Enjoy a socially-distanced pantomime (120mins) 26,280 times
● Play a board game (150mins) 21,024 times
● Cook an entire Christmas meal (180mins) 17,520 times
For more information visit:
Source : Intu Evolution
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