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B&Q continues to invest in 'Colour Centre' trial

Over the Christmas break, the B&Q Extra in Farnborough became the latest store to take on the new Paint Colour Centre. The brand new concept, developed exclusively for B&Q with the US based paint manufacturer Valspar, now features in eleven B&Q stores, six of them in Scotland.

The Colour Centre is dramatically different from the previous Paint Mixing Counter, requiring significant investment from B&Q and the bold step of removing the existing Dulux Paint Mixing system. The new area includes a much larger section devoted to colour chips, brand new header boards for much of the Paint Category and the addition of what looks like a Paint Lab, where the mixing bases are stored and the actual paint mixing takes place.

To see a selection of the latest images of the Colour Centre from B&Q Farnborough, access the 'Industry Articles' section of the Insight DIY website. To see a far greater selection of images of new stores and all the very latest developments in our industry, don't get left behind, become a subscriber to Insight DIY today.

Source: Insight Research Team.

06 January 2012
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