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AO to Trial Washing Machine Rental Service

AO delivery man hi-vis vest 725 x 500.jpg

AO is partnering with two Housing Associations in England and Scotland to offer washing machine rental to households for £2 a week.

If the trial is successful, the company will roll out the service from next year. 

The rental offer is for a Candy Grand’O Vita GVS148D3W 8Kg washing machine with an A+++ energy rating and functions including quick wash, white and baby cycles.  No credit checks are involved and the cost includes delivery, insurance, repairs and recycling.

The rental can be cancelled at any point, and after five years, can be replaced with a new machine.  The old machine will be taken back for refurbishment or recycling.   

AO’s Founder and CEO John Roberts said of the plan: ‘It’s a straightforward £2 per week payment, with no up-front charges and no catches. Customers know exactly what they are paying for their washing machine from the start. It’s a totally different approach to the current rental offers out there, and I believe that we’re doing better.

"Our advantage is that we own most of the supply chain. This keeps our costs low, meaning we can save customers hundreds of pounds a year when it comes to renting electrical essentials. Of course, rental has appeal for a broad range of customers, not just those on lower incomes. It’s early days for us but I’m optimistic about the potential."

Source : Insight DIY Team

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05 April 2019

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